Call Maureen for more information or to start your membership

Updated: Mar 17, 2022
Call Maureen for more information or to start your membership
Dear Levity Community, We have decided to incrementally begin opening the studio as of June 9th by offering 4 open studios per week. This is a two week plan and will be adjusted according to current safety considerations.
The first open studio times are as follows: Tuesday and Friday 3-5pm and 5:30-7:30pm. Each time slot allows 6 people on a sign up basis. Each person will have their own apparatus and it will not have been used for the 70 hours prior. We will be washing silks every two weeks. Levity instructors will move equipment, and document usage of apparatus for contract tracing and wipe down mats in between sessions.
We have implemented the following practices that we ask you to agree to when entering the studio. 1) You will be asked a series of questions upon entry. - Have you had a fever in the last week? - Have you been exposed to anyone with COVID-19? - Have you experienced any respiratory symptoms including, cough, shortness of breath or sore throat? 2) Wash your hands before and after coming in.
3) Sign in with your own pen and leave your phone number. 4) Water will not be provided, please bring your own. 5) Bring only what you need into the space. 6) If you sign up and do not come you will still be charged. 7) If you come in more than once in a two week period we will ensure that you are on the same apparatus. 8) Maintain social distancing of at least 6 feet at all times. This includes entering and exiting the space. The space will remain closed until the start time and you must leave promptly at the end time. 9) If you have traveled out of the state, especially via airplane, please consider staying home.
The cost of each two hour block is $15 or two punches. Please sign up only once a week and we will let you know if there is more availability. If you are able, please sign up for the earlier time slot to save evening times for those that work during the day. Sign up takes place on google drive:…/16qBmMahQS2jn7XCG6Md84f6-om…/edit… If you are having trouble with google drive please notify us via email:
Harmony Founder of Harmony Resounds Wellness Studio Co-Founder of Levity Circus Collective, LLC 541-301-9685
Updated: Oct 4, 2019